Monday, July 09, 2007 Act 1.

Forgive me for saying this, but if you DO grasp the gist of this, I congratulate you on your brilliant insight - if you don't, well, let's leave it as it is then, shall we? Ignorance for the human world is after all, bliss for me.

The prelude of Ragnarok is slowly moving to its next wonderful act - and I am proud to watch it be orchestrated on its own without needing my inteference for it to happen. After all, I'm in a lassez-faire mode now - let things take its own course, as our dear Sisters would see it fit.

For to spoil the performance would be to ask to be thrown out of the opera house, no?

But tsk tsk...I fear that my change of heart would set to change the turn of events...for the better? But it would BE terribly BORING if it takes that course. Reconsidering it, I realize of the other shards of glass winking at me as I trode upon the given chartered path...and realize it does not matter either way, for the show has begun anyway.

And thus, Act 1 begun.

Offering the blessed pure green leaf, we finally opened the 2-way discussion. The Lady Trickster against the innocent and humble diplomat (who once claimed that given that post is no different from taking a dog's job. Pity. I would have offered a better post if I were in his other position, but well). I told him the requirements, he told me his objectives - and for now, we have reached a partial agreement.

1) We will not fight the Battle for HoE if you'd assigned one of our strongly influential (and sadly, hypocritical) member to be the same post - on par with that evil woman (to quote a fellow comrade). The whole legion had, in one voice, voiced their utmost dissatisfaction and objection at having to work under that evil woman, and would, (with my advice), ONLY, answer to any of the Art Directors, than her.

2) We strongly disagree (NOT opposed, as fondly put by our "nice" Ms.Prez) to giving half of our hard-half-year's earnings away to goddamn-hypocrites bearing the crest of Charity - it is JUST not worth our effort, and the Great Ms.Prez thinks everyone else around her is a brain-fuddling zombie to be ordered around. Even the diplomat quietly voiced his dissatisfaction for that decision made. I offered a bit of advice as per my role - take 1/3 or less, preferably 10-20%. PLEASE.

Now it's up to him to forward that little choice. And probably get burned in the process. 'Tis sad, for don't war require sacrifices...? At least we'd meet at a point somewhere - and he offered his aid that if we ever needed an outlet to voice our opinions, he would be ready to hear it. *claps hands* At last, at last.

And what about the rest of Act 1? It is coming soon. Patience is the key, after all. I have yet to see how the legion would react with this "deed of kindness" extended by the great Ms.Prez. We shall see...we shall see.

For now, something else has demand my attention, and regretfully I have to see to it or I'll face the torment of sleep deprivation once again. Lack of sleep has the tendency to drive this vessel mad, you see, and I do wish to prevent that from happening. Good night, and good luck.


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