Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Back from the beyond the grave.

Yes, dear. I'm back.

With a little bit of vengeance permeating from this soul, and a little bit of that stab wounds you'd get from the so-called God's beloved creatures known commonly as the Humans.

In a way, yes, I'm amaze at the wondrous things Humans can do - when they are nice to you. And in so many more other ways, I'm also frustrated at all the batshit and dumbcrap Humans can pull off too.

But I shall leave that matter to rest for now. 'Tis been a bitter year, and college life ain't improving - especially when you somehow come to this gradual realization that you are quite alone in the hellfire pits...

...with no one to go to...

...with no one to help you...

...with no one to hear you scream...from all that agony and pain you'd endured...

...no one to listen to your pathetic cries to let it all STOP.

It's actually considered a miracle that I'd lived through it all. Yes, depression got me again, yes, suicide was on my mind a few times too, and all thanks to a few well-pushed death-instintual buttons here, there and about this person. Suffering backstabs once again, it's starting to become so routine, I'd give it a shrug and said, "You know what? You, and all the rest of the human race, can be damned to Hell for all I care. I'm DONE saving your pathetic souls."

Yes, that statement rings truth - for don't I bear the power of salvation and damnation? *tuts quietly* And am I not known by my other monikers - One-Winged Angel, L, Rosenheim, and (rarest of all), Lammy-Loki the (resident) Trickster God?

Trickster God you say? Now before YOU condemned me for going a-worshipping a dead Norse God, please allow me to banish that little human myth, and let me show you a thing or two about initiating Ragnarok - one which I'm about to bring to the very Hell I've suffered in.

And don't mind me while I toss a little Wrangling or two in the process to spice things up, hmmm? *chuckles*

Going back to the topic, yes, I've comfortably assumed this Loki avatar of mine i.e. in common human speak, I meant that I shall speak in this manner through all my posts, whether you like it or not, and I could hardly give a damn what others thought of me - especially when you'd set eyes first on this strange style of this blog.

"SO old-fashioned." Haaarh. I'd like to divulge my true age, but you'd be very taken aback, believe me. I shall just stick to this 19-year-old human age for the world to see, for now.

And what of my other haunts? I'm not heading back to the first one - too many bitter memories there. There's the other hidden blog there too, exclusively for my private thoughts (or was it, really? come to think of it), and well, I just remembered this little brugh here when I was seeking a new place to let someone who wants to lend his/her ear to me to have his/her proper say here.

Likewise, I wouldn't bite, and if you could gain my trust (which is pretty difficult after all that has happened...my human kins who were once closed to me will be testament to that), I could really, be, the bestest of friends you'd ever had. (I blamed it on the Sagittarian blood I possessed that demands utmost loyalty to whoever we *try* to serve. Puh-lease. I'm the white centaur at that.)

So yes, it's official, I've come back to this virtual world under a different alias and appearance, tone and adage, and well...in keeping with this spirit, let's play a little mind game or two, shall we?

(in common humanspeak: Well, I'm back. Hit me whatever you want. I'd prefer nice welcome-back comments, but knowing you humans, a little acknowledgement would just suffice.)


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