Sunday, March 12, 2006

Why Do You Hate Malaysia: Part 2

I didn't really hate Malaysia that much, but some things just gets on people's nerves, though this is common everywhere, right?

ESPECIALLY the tidak-apa attitude, a common trait found in your typical Malaysian. TYPICAL, not all, ya hear me?

Like, when it comes to settling their year-end taxes and changing their ICs to MyKad. This people can’t do it earlier, but waited till the last minute to do it, thus creating a huge crowd in most of the government offices and making the government officers’ life more difficult than it is already (some more with their added delay – again, another tidak apa attitude), and as the day moves, the streets will get jam-packed with cars, creating massive jams everywhere in the city – pandemonium. Tempers flare, blaming everyone except themselves. Once again, they can’t be bothered to do the important things first until the last minute.

And this, is just the small annoyance, comparatively.

What irks me the MOST of all is the mentality of the Penangites. As Tun Dr Mahathir said a long time ago about Penang being the dirtiest place ever in Malaysia, there seems to be not much progress carried out to beautify Penang.

The first problem is their roads - they are dirty, especially near hawker centres, NARROW (like that stupid one-lane flyover), large pavements (if in KL, long time demolished already), and their huge number of roads is so confusing, only a true Penangite can move his/her way around the island.

The second problem is the overabundance of hawker centres – it’s so ubiquitous, it is these hawkers that contribute mainly to the dirtiness of the island. I understand that WITHOUT the occupation called hawkers, at least half the Penangites will be jobless. BUT giving those hawker licenses to almost everyone (including monsters who can't cook) is just a tad too far, right?

Third, with every hawker centre that sprung up, there is always a condo/apartment/flat being built – this means more destruction of the greenery, more hills become barren, the monkeys start entering the neighbourhood – but the people don’t care. The people here can’t be bothered to change. Just so long as they can survive/earn a living, they don’t care about anything else, not even to improve their lives, clean up their island, and stop developers from destroying their place.

Overall, because of this tidak apa attitude, because of this mentality, that makes most Malaysians’ lives miserable, and there is not much growth in this country in terms of civility, besides the high-tech infrastructures we have. Abdullah is right.


In Part 3, there ARE 3 good solutions...though words are just nothing when actions speak louder than words, right? If only these solutions can be put to good use...

...BUT you haven't heard of me, have ya? So until the next update, KEEP THOSE COMMENTS COMING! I don't care if it's a one-liner, a rant, a flame (but make it constructive please) or anything else. I WANT feedback because with feedback, you and I can learn so much more, ain't it so?

DON'T you dare give me that 'tidak apa' attitude about ignoring this noisy little brat who only knows how to complain. You are already displaying that irksome habit. So if you want to prove you are not, C'MON!



Anonymous said...

Oooh, at least they changed to MyKad, unlike yours truly :P

Aside from that short, uninspiring intro; my views on your points:

1. Perhaps 'tidak apa' can be looked from the view of procrastinating here. I dont really like the idea of 'tidak apa' since its too general for my liking. Not to offend you, but if I do please excuse my point, but I feel that if everything is classfied under 'tidak apa' then room to improve is much less XD ~ cause I feel people will at least have a higher chance of improving should they have the option of improving one sector, by one sector versus as a whole. The problem here might be selectiviy ^^

2. Penang? Havent been there, but from your discussions on how is it there, there is all but consideration on the environment done there. I am pretty shocked honestly over the mentality of Penang people cause I thought they were "less money minded, versus KL-lites". :)

3. Third part longgggggggggg overdue! :D

Lammy Leonhart said...

In response to your good views, my good sir ;P :-

1) Well, IMO, procrastinating is kinda part of the "tidak apa" attitude, but yes, it's good if we improve gradually instead of a whole because it IS difficult to change the entire nation's mindset at one go, don'tcha think?

2) Not to say the Penang people are less money-minded, they are pretty kiam siap @ miserly when it comes to $$$. But yeah...I'm aghast at what they are doing to their own place =.= even at the expense of their rice bowl.

3) Third part is coming right up! ^-^