Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Yeap, yours truly is back for more brain-cracking philosophy on life XD

And so...


...truth to be told, it's just the 3rd week of college, and I'm already having sleepless nights. This is of course NOT good, but one can't help it if one can't break the procrastinating habit.

But I WILL break it. ^-^ *starts singing* Coz I'm breaking the habit, I'm breaking the habit TONIGHT!!~~ XD

Anyway, enough crapping. Back to business.

As a matter of fact, I am DYING to post my hard-worked essay up (one that never got through the CSM class, mind you, because....none of ma classmates is gonna understand it), and so I shall post it up here for your reading pleasure. Have fun reading, digesting, and IF you do/do not get it, please comment! 'Cos with intelligent feedback, will there be more intelligent responses, and with more of these, the world woulda be a better place to live in, in the long run ^-^

And so here's part 1 of ma essay, "Why Do You Hate Malaysia?"
[First off though, this topic is NOT mine, it's by my lecturer. So don't sue/flame/arrest me for this.]
What irks me the most is the mentality of the people here, especially their tidak apa attitude. Quoting our PM Abdullah that Malaysia may have First World infrastructure but Third World mentality, it is kind of sad to note it is true.

Because it irks me to think that since we are the leader of the Third World country, we should have set a better example for our peers, but instead, it’s because of this attitude that contributes to making a poor image of our country.

For example, on the roads, people never respect the laws. They will simply overtake another vehicle without warning, some who zoom past the yellow light (and some even red lights, just to get to their destination faster), and some who double parks their cars everywhere. Some hogs the streets like their grandfather’s road, even, and some tailgate another vehicle, and horn like no tomorrow to make the other driver drive faster. For example, it happened a few days ago that after having breakfast outside and we’re about to return home when this Malay dude drove over and parked his little green Kancil RIGHT behind our car, and we told him that we wanted to leave, but he actually IGNORES us and walked away FASTER to buy his 3D/4D numbers. (Thankfully, his action created a scene, so he quickly drove away after that.)

As seen/published in the newspapers recently about this certain award-winning journalist who equated Japanese animation to pornography has most of the young generation on uproar. Why? Because this said journalist can’t be bothered to do his research, and instead based on 1 hentai anime, he thinks everything about Japanese animation is about porn. Like, how can one comedy movie means all the movies are comedy, right? The worse thing is when he can’t be bothered to APOLOGIZE to the public, even though another major daily has clarified the matter in crystal-clear and simple-to-understand instructions – he wants to stand his ground, and this is what we Chinese called a kiasu manner.

Part 2 and 3 will be up once I get feedback. SO START TALKING, PEOPLE!!


Denster said...

Some of my views on yours:

1. Tidak apa attitude might be a big bane in society, and yes I do agree. However when the PM mentioned "mentality", it does not solely encompass this, but also other famous bad habits we bring along in life such as procrastination, racial discrimination and more. Perhaps you should widen a bit more, and explain in small bits (to complement your PM statement and bridge the points to the tidak apa part).

2. When you're in the city, youre bound to meet beautiful people such as described in your example. On the highway is no different. Why is this so? There are many factors to attribute to this road problem - enforcement being one of them, as well as the lack of common sense and patience in most of the road users.

3. As an added point, you should have called JAWI to arrest that Malay dude for buying 4D (remember, gambling = haram?).

4. And finally, the newspaper in contention is Kosmo (not the others I believe). They portrayed anime=animasi seks. Which is of course a slightly skewed point to the view of the journalist, since hentai = animasi seks and hentai is a subset of anime. Back to the point, there is really nothing you can do to harm him - because this is called "freedom of the press", and its perfectly legal for him and his paper to publish such material. Dont like them? Dont buy the paper - simple as that.

My views - clear and concise for your reading :D

Lammy Leonhart said...

1. Mentality comprises of a lot of things, that's why I purposely narrow it down to the tidak apa attitude.

2. Yeap, I agree with that. It still links back to that one root - our attitude. One is the lack of enforcement OR the bribery, the other is the way our Malaysian drivers drive @ with no ethic and safety issue in mind =.=

3. Before we can even find the number for JAWI, the dude has run off. And we didn't take down his number plate, either =.= And yeah, I thought gambling is illegal to all Muslims and people under 21?

4. I know about the 'freedom of the press', but he should have done at least some research before publishing something, but NOPE, he publishes an article that misleads. Misleading people IS a crime in the press world, and he just did it =.=
Yalar, now the whole of the Malaysian youth (especially the anime fans) is boycotting the papers. Given at this rate, the company who published Kosmo is gonna go down the drain sooner than I thought (I initially gave it 3 years to last, but looks like its days are down to mere months. That's the price one pays for fame, that idiot journalist =.=)

Thanks for your deep insight, buddy ^_____^ I now know how to expand the rest of the other ideas. Part 2 coming after CNY~ ^-^