Thursday, June 30, 2005

Singing Competitions - Justified or Not

Yeap. After watching the Astro Talent Quest 2005 heats last weekend, I feel the urge to rant about this.

There’s that particular pretty boy male singer whose face looks like one of the pretty boy in F4 (so I shall call him the F4 wannabe) who just CAN’T sing.

His voice is too soft, his words are barely audible, his accent is SO off, and the bloody judges gave him a 50+ mark (and that, dear reader, is actually a very good mark since majority of the other singers score below that.)

What, the HELL?

Are the judges that DEAF, or are they just hearing-impaired?

Or maybe, the judges just loved that pretty face of the boy. =.= (3 of the judges are male, by the way.)

And no wonder the quality of singers these days are bad. Gone were the days of clear vocals and meaningful songs; these days people are rapping rubbish and making as much noise as possible with their screaming and drums-bashing =.= (no offense to rappers and rapper fans, ya?) or otherwise whispering into the damn mike like the mike’s a precious fragile piece of glass or something.

People/listeners like you and I who listen to good singers will look at two things – the ability to sing, and the personality of the singer.

The ability to sing is of course the most important thing since it’s the one which makes or breaks a singer. If the person who sings keeps singing off-key or off-beat, wrong accentuation of the song in all the wrong places, forgetting the words to the song or lip-synching, WHISPERING instead of singing out loud – forgot about ever heard the word ‘singing’, dude. Singing’s SO not your job. Go somewhere else.

And personality. Now nobody wants a rude singer or a shy chick singing, right? A singer’s job requires a bit of courage, and one cannot be too self-conscious, otherwise all the rhythm (and life) of the music will be gone. Nobody wants to listen to a song full of swear words (duh), but nobody wants to hear the whisperings of a ghost on radio too, right?

And the one thing that amuses me is that some of the bad singers (as in, really can’t sing well) who got kicked out of the competition actually CRIED.

You know what, kid?

GET. A. LIFE. Go whine and cry somewhere else. You should have expected failure and success together when you entered the competition.
Okay, it’s not a kid who cried. It’s a young adult, but to me, anyone immature is considered a kid.

Oh, sorry, did I offend you? My deepest apologies, then. I do sometimes speak out of turn, so please pardon me for this.
It’s because I just can’t stand crying kids. Or young adults, for that case of the wannabe-singer who cried.

Anyway, back to the topic.

At the rate it’s going, singing competitions are just another fad, another new thing whose novelty will face in due course. Because once people realize that all these singing contests are BULLSHIT and that the frickin’ judges willingly supports pretty boys and gals who just CAN’T sing, nobody will watch the darn show, and there goes the profit for the company and sponsors for the show. And in the future, all future singers will have to look another way in to get into the limelight (and that, is a rocky path. I understand.)

Every action has its consequences in what is known as the domino effect. (Don’t worry if you don’t get my meaning, dear reader…I shall, uh, enlighten you another time. Do remind me though.)

So, before things get worse, will somebody get the judges at the Astro Talent Quest 2005 to KICK that IDIOT F4 Wannabe off the stage before he does too much damage?

Or, better yet…how about changing the panel of judges themselves to other people who are able to understand music and one who emphasize the importance of quality singers?

Then again, there ain’t much that kind of people who chooses quality over beauty left in this world, or in this country for that matter. *sigh*

What about me, you ask? Do you think I can sing? If I can’t sing, do I have the right to judge this people?

My answer, is this: Yes, I can sing. I was in my school choir in my primary years, and I was the soprano. Therefore I AM able to judge whether a person can sing or not. And I really hate it when bad singers steal the limelight from potentially good singers.
Though the fact that I haven’t sung for the past few years, well, give me one week to retrain my vocals, and I shall sing till the devils cry XD

Enough of my rant for the week. Whoever said that my ‘Heaven on Earth’ is the place where I’ll blog good things? Heaven is of course the one and only Paradise (that’s where all the good stuff comes in), but Earth?
Hah…Earth is turning into a literal Hell day by day. Remind me to tell you why in my next post.

Now, dear reader, do you agree with what should be done? Or do you have another view? Please, share them.


Ami said...

ah...yes, singing competitions.

Well....i can ucnderstand how u feel eventhough i havent seen Astro Talent Quest...*shrugs* anyhow...but yes...

what i think they should is to get a better panle of judges that rate of voice pitch, style, and maybe how loud they can sing to capture the audience's attention (not the screechy loud)

Most important of all: ARTICULATION....pronounciation of words properly...

That's all from me for the moment...^^

p.s might rant in our other blog, lammy to ensure that it does not die on us...^^

Denster said...

Dear Lammy,

We live in a materialistic world. We live in a world where looks beat quality any day to most people, or how the media portrays the message. I tell you there is no way that guy will go out until the later stages, when pressure from better singers (supported widely) will force him out. Anyway, I didnt know that you were a soprano! You never told me! :P Bah. At least then can rate my (erm lol) awful singing in class all the time since form 2 lol @_@ XD

Anonymous said...

ah... i'm just a trespasser and i hope that you do not mind my trespassing into your blog. you should be glad that he didn't make it to the top 3. (thank god!) i was out that night, driving and could only catch the show through radio on my fm. when i heard the f4 wannabe (as you refered him to) i was like... OUT! i never heard him sing before this but you know the advertisement on astro and my impression on him was... like you said, wannabe! he overdo his singing! oh gosh! *goosebumps* but at least atq is a LOT better than malaysian idol.

Lammy Leonhart said...

Nah, I don't mind...good ideas shared around is a good thing ^-^

And yeah, the judges are fair (for once) in the finals...the last 3 finalists are the 10/10 kind of singer we're looking for, IMHO, and they definitely deserve their win. I don't know about Malaysian Idol (I didn't watch it), but from what I've heard, MI is as bad as Akademi Fantasia (AF)...

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