Monday, June 26, 2006

Operation REVAMP: Success

As you can see, this blog's layout have been revamped from the normal typical standard Blogger template to a new all-white layout courtesy of recommended by my good fellow blogger Denster. I especially like the graphic image at the top of this blog, kinda represent my identity here of your truly as the One-Winged Angel ^-^

I have not been updating recently due to some fiascos wrought in college where I had been reduced to a pathetic broken wreck twice. It's not easy to get up again to move on, but I did, with much needed support from my trusted allies at that time. And like what we people from the School of Intuitionism do, an eye for an eye. Vengeance has been delivered to people who deserved it, OWA-styled.

As much as I'd like to recount the numerous battles won, Father Time is not approving of me to be slacking at the moment (and true enough, work calls). BUT I will be back, mark my words. This ain't over yet ;P

Yours faithfully,
Lammy Leonhart
One-Winged Angel

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