Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Trip to Earth: Literal Hell

There's too much to cover in one post, so I shall keep things short and only post the important ones (or, what comes to my flu-med-laden mind.)

The recent bombings in London is enough evidence to show that Earth is ain't no peaceful place to live on now. Nowhere is safe, everybody cowers indoors in fear of missiles/bombs/WOMD coming their way, one way or the other due to barbaric illterates and even worse, violent racists.

Politicians are just making hell of a noise for the sake of keeping their bloody seats warm and not exactly lifting much of a finger to help the world. Poverty's still in Africa even after so many years, but it's good to know that the Live 8 concert effort is being appreciated though I doubt the situation will change much. And politicians placed their pride at the top of their list, and I bet these words are their principle, "Are you with me, or against me?"

Wars are waged everywhere, be it weapon-wise, economy-wise, or knowledge-wise, or even, status-wise. Hah, we're all sitting pretty close to another WW, aptly named World War 3 and if nothing is done to dissuade the warring countries especially the one with the big guns and even bigger egos, well, you essentially get Earth: Literal Hell.

No, I'm not pessimistic, I'm looking at things the way it is. If you're feeling disgusted by what I've written, please close this window browser and go off on your 'peaceful' journey elsewhere, wherever it takes you. Shoo.

And now, to a smaller scale of Earth's version of Hell. I'll be talking about somewhere close by, nearer home.

Here in my place, though I hate to say it, but, we all aren't actually that friendly. And since this is a sensitive topic, I shall just say this: everyone has to be given their fair share of rights and everyone is brought up in the open in TRUTH, only then will racial unity and harmony be established. We don't want the May 13 1969 incident to happen again, please no, and we definitely not want our history to be tainted with any more bloodshed. We've been through so many things together (Japanese occupation, Independence), so why break this bond which is way thicker than blood?

The situation's kinda like a dormant mine bomb that once went off, it will change everything.

Anyway, we'll be moving to somewhere near my roots.

We all know about the China-Japan stuff, so I'll talk less about it. Only that these two countries has to reconcile their differences with each other or else they WILL be a World War. Learn to forgive and forget, like what we've done with Germany.

So I shall be ranting (yes, RANTING) about China-Taiwan.

As far as I know (or as far as I know in my history), Taiwan actually belongs to China in the first place, but was split from the mainland due to a civil war. Then things are patched up between them somehow, with China giving Taiwan the freedom to rule on its own but that Taiwan will still under China.

Apparently, the freedom to rule is taken as their right to demand their independence. So much goes the protest in the streets, the rigged-up shooting-before-election polls to get the bloody sympathy votes, the empty promise that the island will get its independence, blah blah blah.

You know what?

This is all BULLSHIT. Taiwan is under China, that's it. It's just a small island anyway, so why kick up the major FUSS over independence?

Looking at the way their parliament meetings are conducted (which is equivalent to watching much catfight, verbal abuses between chickens, and sometimes a bloody dogfight or two), I really doubt that they can rule on their own. Their own place is hellish enough. Just sit down, shake hands, and talk diplomacy between the two countries. Don't give me crap about wanting independence when their own people are fighting among themselves.

And it is this instances that make me thankful that Malaysia's independence is done in a peaceful and diplomatic way.

And now to the last level of hell (what? You think I'd bring you to all the 18 levels of hell? Dude...you'll not survive the trip, and your brain will likely go mush by that time, trust me. This is as far as you'll go.) where it is nearer to home.

Family feuds. Why am I not surprised.

I'll not relive the bad pasts this little topic will bring on, so I'll keep it short and simple: I find that the older generations are actually quite violent compared to today's generation. When it comes to dishing punishment, they'll hit with a rotan, or a belt, or if they can't get their hands on these two, they'll just pick anything to throw at you or just beat you up with their plain bare hands or shoot poisonous, stinging words just to make sure you grow up good and well-educated.

The 'tidak apa' attitude in today's generation (and much human rights) brings about children being pampered that THEY become violent instead and throw tantrums around when they don't get what they want.

One way or the other. Hmm.

Anyway, that's all for now. Enough thoughts for the day.

And I bet that you don't understand half of this entry. It's okay, I tried to make it so that it is easier to understand, but if you can't get all of it....I don't know.



Denster said...

Ahh, but I'd like to listen to the other 15 (or was it 16?) levels of hell :) . The world's screwed. Gotta face it. Maybe one day one of us who desires change will rise up to power and change things. Our country imo is fine, and better off then some of the others, some of which you have noted down in your post already. Kudos!

Lammy Leonhart said...

Are you really sure? 'Cos it's pretty deep stuff and also touching on much 'hot' topics in which I don't want some government watchdog come a-snapping at my heels.

Then again, it's pretty rare someone comes by to read this little miserable blog. So maybe I'll talk about the other levels of hell, in a few posts ('cos it's a lot of stuff to write, so yeah) - I'll be more motivated if there's other people who wants to read about it too ^-^

"Maybe one day one of us who desires change will rise up to power and change things".
- maybe ^-^ Though I don't want another Hitler or Bush. I want someone who's got the brains and power to lead and one who is able to walk among the higher-up people and the commoners as though as they're one, and one who definitely cares for the people and world peace. (Doubt such a person exist...-_-)