Saturday, April 30, 2005

New chapter in my ficcy ^_^

Although seems dead (devoid of people updating, devoid of people reading, devoid of reviewers), I'm still gonna update no matter what.

'Coz I know I have neglected all my fanfics for a reeeeeeeeeeally long time. *nods* And I felt bad for letting it lay in the computer under risk of computer crashes and/or pixel dusts growing on it.

But. Like all writers out there *cough* I'm always waiting for a review. (since when fanfic writers doesn't want a review?) But when I looked at my miserable fic....*wonders* Not to say I'm greedy or write for the sake of reviews, but I need to know where my writing skills stand (miserable as it is IMO or not.)

Ah, enough. Just go read (check under my links; story updated's 'Destined to be Free', but need to wait a while before uploads it properly)

For reading Peptuck's "Blood of the Chimera" (already, the title promises something ;D), and later gonna find that elusive DMC fic "One Will Fall"...

Friday, April 29, 2005

Finally joined DA ^-^

Joined yesterday, uploaded fanart today ^-^ 'Coz was deciding which one to put up first...go here to check it out~ (is Matantei Loki Ragnarok wallpaper by the way ;P)

What do you think of it?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Jammin' Comps and my Artistic Streak

My comp just jammed twice in one hour, and I got worried - has my comp been attacked by some virus/worm/trojan? Got the antivirus up and running for the time being...

And - this got me thinking since the start of hols - should I join DA (DeviantArt)? Not that I have any great pictures, but I want to know where my level of creativity and artistic skills are. The only modified pictures I have are mostly anime-based, FF-based, and Windows-based (Ya know, those 4 standard sample wallpapers that come in all Windows? I modified 'em to look more...nicer? ^-^;;;;)

Any suggestions/support is very much welcomed....^-^

Finally, it's settled ^-^

Hosted my own image, linked it, and ta-daa~one beautiful Farplane background for the blog ^-^

Amano's artwork never fail to amaze me ^-^

Wonder if he'll release some pictures for FF7:AC?

Monday, April 25, 2005

Temporary layout for the moment ^-^

Until I can find back that big Farplane picture, this shall have to do ^-^

Title looks awkward....gotta change it later.

Now going to play TSO~~~

Friday, April 22, 2005

That's it. I. Need. Help. >.<

How do you change the blog background???????

Okay...first things first....

I know I have to change my blog heading (I'll come up with something better...) and I desperately need to change the background...problem is, my HTML skills are rusty since I've last used them in Form 2, and that is about 4 years ago.

I've gotta look up those HTML help pages again...>.<

Thursday, April 21, 2005

My first entry in Blogger :)

I will only update once in a while (regularly at Lj), so it might seem I'm months away from updating....

Short post. Coz nothing to add :P