Friday, November 30, 2007

Of Preludes and Nocturnes

It takes MUCH MORE THAN THAT to take the life of the resilient soul-

-but I disgress.

On a particular Monday of some time past, the mind of this poor vessel almost crumbled onto itself - a very VERY horrific enactment of the worst kind of entropy ever imagined.

Because of only one little factor called failure.

Because failure, in this case, does NOT exist in thy's dictionary. And/or life. They never do - 'coz I never get to know them, and DIDN'T want to know them. And thus, IT has visited me in turn for a little...bite.

I don't partake to this...THING...called failure well. Hence the near-devastating impact it had upon this person's mind and spirit that thy soul finally took its own toll. Forced to enter the darkest abyss, the brink of death awaits behind those ebony doors.

Fortunately, there is hope. Salvation, if you will call it. In the form of a I would have loved to term the being thy guardian angel, yet he is borne of the demonkind, and YET the great possessor of a proud spirit, with a humane heart, and so much more that he is truly well beyond this world, beyond wild imagination, so far as possibly to be even beyond dreams.

I shall not reveal who the person is. A little guesswork is in order - yet I bear no prizes for guessing it right, for one can ever-always get the answers from Wikipedia. 'Tis not fair - it's considered cheating. Hence, you're welcome to try - only once. 'Coz it's not hard after all - child's play.

But alas, there were a few...other sentient beings that had to go...act of self-sacrifice for a greater reason. This I promise them - I WILL GET THEM ALL BACK, eventually.

Even though there's the reality-faceted fact that most of the things that I'd treasured is always ALWAYS taken away from me...I will do my utmost back to win them back, by hook, or by crook, and if I have to chop my way through to get what I want...I will.

...for the time being, I nursed thy wounds after that behumbling little affair. I am losing more sleep than Hannibal Lecter having sleepless nights, yet I know I have to persevere - for am I not, after all, the Resident Trickster God?... I'll never questioned that fact. Thy truth is laid bare for all who cares to see NOT look.

Yet a new chapter is waiting to be read, just as this wonderfully wicked show is comoing to an end. I had initially wanted to revel in it, but now...I don't care. I could hardly care, for the care on my shoulder that was my burden for all this while has been chipped away for all I care - because, thus, and hence, I can't and PRETTY MUCH don't care either.

...I only wished to see through the White Christmas, that's all. Enough bitter memories of yonder years. If Your Lordships would do me the honour, I thank thee profusely from thy inner heart and soul. I know, perhaps I'm asking a bit too much from Lord Morpheus after he'd tried to protect my passage through the Dreaming (and I shall be forever indebted to your revelation, milord), but alas, can't an old being like thee dream somemore before the End of everything?...

...*chuckles softly* Yet here I am, being a little tad too greedy again. *sigh*

For now, sleep beckons. Thy wonderful alter-ego is persistently trying to get me to call it a night (or rather now, an early day), and there is His Lordship to contend with...

I bid thee the same words I'd pleaded a few nights ago - and 'tis NOT wishful thinking, but really, a sincere desire - "Will His Lordship guide me to the light of salvation...please? I'll go anywhere you go, and I'll be good, I promise..."
