Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Damn, it's raining in here.

Since it's raining, I shall be fast and direct.

This blog has been inactive for a REALLY long time, but that does not mean:-

1) it's dead, and
2) I have abandoned it, and
3) I have totally forgot about it, oh no it's always there, and will be, and
4) I will stop writing in it, nope, I'm typing this, aren't I?

That work has grown (almost) tenfold, and I've been online like a few times per week, compared to everyday last time... I guess the essay-long deep-thinking posts have to take the back seat, temporarily. Will probably blog about the latest updates at DA and/or college, whichever has more importance.

So dear Salem Ashrale (my original character) puts it, "Good night, sleep well, and I bid thee, sweet dreams..." XD